Esther and Jerry Hicks (pictured) form the Abraham-Hicks team and they travel around the world giving workshops about a new way of looking at life.
Some years ago Esther became a channel for messages from a group of spiritual guides who call themselves Abraham. Jerry had been asking questions about the meaning of life for many years so it became a perfect partnership. Jerry asks the questions and Esther (as Abraham) answers them. At first they used the process to get answers for their own questions but now they hold workshops and invite the attendees to ask whatever they want to know about how life is working for them and how it might be better. According to Abraham, life works like this -
(1) The Law of Attraction. Whatever you spend your time thinking about will automatically come your way and the more you do this the more you get of it. This applies equally to the things you want as well as the things you don't want, because your mind doesn't distinguish between "want" and "don't want". So if you spend a lot of time thinking about bad things happening to you then you'll attract bad things. Have you ever noticed how some people tend to be unlucky all the time and things seem to go from bad to worse for them? According to Abraham it's because they spend all their time anticipating bad things, so that's what they get. Conversely, if you spend all your time anticipating good things coming your way then that's what will happen too.
(2) The law of Deliberate Creation refers to the idea that if you want something then you can send out a "rocket of desire" for it and Abraham says that whatever you desire is there for you, ready to manifest for you as soon as you're ready for it. The reason we don't get what we ask for immediately is because, most of the time, we're not tuned into it yet. We might have negative thoughts/feelings that are keeping us in a mindset of lack and preventing positive energy coming our way.
(3) The more thought you put into the object of your desire, the closer you get to manifesting it and the best way to see where you are on this path is to follow your personal guidance system. According to Abraham your personal guidance system is your emotions. If you are feeling happy then you're moving towards your goals but if you are unhappy then you're going away from them. The way to realign yourself, therefore, is to do something that changes how you feel from sadness to happiness. The trick is to keep on doing this until you feel better and better and better and when you achieve joy then that's when manifestation happens. This sounds too simple, but it works.
There are many free downloads available on the website at http://www.abraham-hicks.com/ that will explain these laws and how to apply them to you life. Until I started listening to this stuff I didn't realise that it's what the book "The Secret" is all about.
I've been applying the knowledge I've gained from this to my life and anticipate great things to come.
Page in book to follow at an appropriate time.
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