As I spend more time in my studio working I tend to look downwards a lot. This causes the muscles around my neck and larynx to sag and this diminishes the air supply to the voice, hence the fading out.
One solution is to stretch the neck muscles up from the shoulders. The other is to pull them up from the top using the soft palate. "So how do you do this?" I hear you ask. By singing.
When you sing the soft palate lifts up and allows more air to flow to the voice. As well as this benefit, singing is good for the cranial muscles and the posture. An all-round good thing to do.
Despite the benefits of singing I refuse to inflict my tuneless voice even on myself, so I have other vocalising exercises to do in it's place. They're the sort of thing that one does in the car, while alone, so if you ever drive past me on the road and I seem to be making strange noises then just drive on by and look the other way please.
Here's the page about it

For further reading about voice exercises checkout Angela Caines website at
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