Monday, January 26, 2009

January 24 - Food jammers

This group of guys in Canada are in a show called "Food Jammers". Their task is to come up with culinary contraptions. A kind of Jamie Oliver meets Scrapheap Challenge program. A few of the episodes Taken from the website at follow -

Episode 2021: Gallery Eats Art
Story Quest: To put on an edible art show in a gallery.
Contraption: Tools and edible presentational devices to allow for the advent of vertical food.
The Food Jammers decide to put on an edible art show. They get invaluable inspiration from an expert pastry chef and silk-screening artist but it doesn’t answer all their problems. The challenges are in keeping the food on the wall, and keeping it fresh. Their efforts exhaust them, but in the end, their art opening is an artistic and edible success.

Episode 2017: Office Smoker
Story Quest: To smoke pork in a filing cabinet, in an office.
Contraption: A smoker filing cabinet.
Nobu is stuck with an office job but Micah and Chris aren’t about to let their friend get lost in the 9 to 5 by offering to turn his filing cabinet into a meat smoker. Their research includes talking with a restauranteur and a butcher to ensure that their meat will be the sweetest. The Food Jammers engineer the transformation over the weekend so they can enjoy delicious smoked pork sandwiches come Monday, with Nobu’s boss being none the wiser.

Episode 2015: Automated Taco Machine
Story Quest: To create a taco vending machine, as a fresh fast food alternative that is accessible anytime.
Contraption: Vending machine with taco maker, heater, full topping selector.
The Food Jammers want instant access to fresh tacos close to home so they make a taco vending machine. The guys consult with a Mexican chef, a vending machine company to overcome the tricky mechanics of providing fresh food on demand. In the end, the Food Jammers are able to enjoy fresh and tasty hot chicken tacos any time they want

There are videos of the shows available on the website but I suppose Australia hasn't bought the rights as we can't watch them here. A shame, it sounds like a great show.

Here's the page for it-

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